Take charge of your crypto security with Trezor hardware wallets. Start protecting your assets today. Learn more at

Powering Up Your Device

To begin using your Trezor device, follow these steps:

  1. Connect Your Trezor: Use the provided USB cable to connect your Trezor to your computer.

  2. Visit Open a web browser and go to the setup page.

  3. Follow On-Screen Instructions: The Trezor web interface will guide you through the setup process, including firmware updates if necessary.

Ensure your device is fully charged or connected to a power source during setup.

Updating Firmware through Trezor Suite

For an enhanced experience and additional features, regularly update your Trezor device firmware via the Trezor Suite, by following these steps:

  1. Launch Trezor Suite: Open the Trezor Suite on your computer.

  2. Connect Your Device: Use the USB cable to connect your Trezor to the computer.

  3. Access Device Settings: Navigate to the 'Device' tab within the Trezor Suite.

  4. Check for Updates: Click the 'Check for Updates' button. If an update is available, you will be prompted to proceed.

  5. Begin Update: Follow the on-screen instructions to start the firmware update process.

  6. Confirmation: Confirm the action directly on your Trezor device if required.

Remember to back up your recovery seed before initiating the firmware update to safeguard your assets.

Last updated